UNITEDLABELS Aktiengesellschaf...
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End-of-day quote: 06/01/2024

UNITEDLABELS financials at a glance

The revenue of UNITEDLABELS is reported as 0.0132 billion Euro in the fiscal year 2023. The earnings were 0 Euro per share in 2023, which was 128.57 higher than 2014. And about -0.00055 billion Euro are reported as free cash flow in the financials of UNITEDLABELS 2023. No dividends were paid to the shareholders of the UNITEDLABELS stock XTRA:ULC in the financial year 2023.


Year Year TTM 2017 2014 2013 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Rev. Revenue N/A 30.33€M 32.00€M 0.00€M 58.70€M 40.30€M 44.24€M 43.23€M 45.30€M
GM % Gross Margin % 26.16% 40.23% 34.99% 30.23% 37.20% 35.23% 42.00% 47.52% 45.73%
OM Operating Margin 0.12% 6.35% 0.98% 2.70% 2.92% -6.06% 1.27% 2.78% 3.92%
EPS Earnings Per Share -0.03€ 0.06€ -0.21€ -0.15€ 0.26€ -0.93€ 0.19€ 0.10€ 0.35€
Div. Dividends N/A 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.15€ 0.18€ 0.20€ 0.20€ 0.20€
PR % Payout Ratio % 0 0 -0.00% 0 57.69% -19.35% 105.26% 200.00% 57.14%
Sha. Shares N/AM 6.3M 6.3M 4.15M 4.15M 4.15M 4.15M 4.15M 4.2M
OCF Operating Cash Flow N/A 0.00€M 0.00€M 0.00€M 5.94€M 0.00€M 0.00€M 0.00€M 0.00€M
FCF Free Cash Flow N/A 0.00€M 0.00€M 0.00€M 0.82€M 0.00€M 0.00€M 0.00€M 0.00€M
FCFS Free Cash Flow Per Share 0.24€ 0.21€ -0.41€ 0.05€ 0.20€ 0.20€ 0.72€ -0.37€ 0.04€